Seminar: Greg Boebinger

Editor: Becky     Time: 2018-08-17      Number of visits: 73

Materials, Energy and Life: An Overview of High Magnetic Field Research

Greg Boebinger 

Professor of Physics, Florida State University and University of Florida
Director, U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory

The MagLab exists to provide its international user community with unique magnets and expertise spanning condensed matter physics, materials research, chemistry, and biochemistry. In fact, we must invent new materials in order to generate our magnetic fields that can reach two million times the Earth’s magnetic field.  This talk seeks to answer the question, “How and why would anyone want to do such a thing?”  Illustrative examples from user research at the MagLab will include • MATERIALS: manipulating two-dimensional square lattices of copper and oxygen to achieve high-temperature superconductivity or magnetic Bose-Einstein condensation; • ENERGY: imaging batteries during charge and discharge cycles using ultra-high-field MRI; and • LIFE: tracking sodium and gadolinium quantum dots to revolutionize the use of MRI in medicine.

The portion of the talk that surveys my own work on high-temperature superconductivity uses magnetic fields to suppress the superconductivity…with a goal of revealing the physics that gives rise to high temperature superconductivity.

Time: 14:00-15:00, Aug, 27th (Monday)

Place: East Building 4-242, Zijingang Campus(紫金港校区东4-242)

Add: No. 8 Hainayuan Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Rd, Hangzhou, 310027, P.R. China   

Tel: +86-571-87953325

Fax: +86-571-87951895


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