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International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Quantum Optics Ⅱ

编辑:admin 时间:2019年06月25日 访问次数:408

International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Quantum Optics Ⅱ


The International Symposium on Quantum Computing and Quantum Optics Ⅱ was held at the Run-Run Shaw Building at Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, May 24-26, 2019. The conference was organized by the Interdisciplinary Center on Quantum Information, and the Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Quantum Technology of Physics Department, Zhejiang University. About 150 professors, researchers and students attended the conference, and 40 delivered invited talks including famous scholars Marlan Scully (Academician of the American Academy of Sciences), Joseph Eberly (Academician of the Polish Academy of Sciences and former president of the Optical Society of America), Amnon Aharony (Academician of the Israeli Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Sciences and Sciences), Jianwei Pan, Hongxing Xu, (Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), M. Suhail Zubairy (Academician of Pakistanian Academy of Sciences), Franco Nori (Chief Scientist of Institute of Physical Chemistry of Japan John), Andrew Cleland (John A. Maclean Sr. Chair Professor of the University of Chicago), and Yasunobu Nakamura (Professor of University of Tokyo), Gediminas Juzeliunas (Academician of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences) and others. The Vice President of Zhejiang University, Jianhua Yan, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Zhejiang University.

Speakers presented their latest development in quantum optics and quantum computing, such as quantum plasmon photonics, X-ray quantum optics, quantum network and quantum machine learning, controllable preparation of entangled states in superconducting qubits, scalable quantum information processing, topological qubits, critical dynamics and novel topological phenomena of ultra-cold atoms, quantum imaging, and etc. Professor Marlan Scully gave a talk on the connection between Bose-Einstein condensation, squeezed light and black holes, providing a new perspective on quantum gravity. Professor Jianwei Pan highlighted the research plan of USTC in quantum information processing. Professor Hongxing Xu introduced the latest research progress of plasmonic nanocavities. Haohua Wang, Dawei Wang, and Delong Zhang from the Department of Physics of Zhejiang University introduced their recent work on quantum information in superconducting circuits and alkali atoms, including the preparation of entangled states of 18 qubits, the synthesis of antisymmetric spin exchange Hamiltonian, the observation of chiral edge states in room temperature atoms, etc.

The conference provided a platform for experts and young scholars of quantum optics and quantum computing to exchange their results, methods and ideas. The conference participants discussed the future of quantum science and technology, and believe that the development of this field not only helps people understand the quantum world, but also provides creative solutions to many challenges for mankind.