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编辑:admin 时间:2019年11月19日 访问次数:109



Title: Engineering scalable tools for mapping brain computations


Speaker: Kiryl Piatkevich


Place: RM 101Bulg. 2Xixi Campus (西溪校区西二楼101)


Date and time: 15:00Nov 212019 1121日下午15:00


AbstractOur brain mediates everything that we think, feel, sense, and do. The brain is incredibly complex organ - while the brain computes events on millisecond scale, it spans years of a lifetime and at the same time, while the brain is organized at nanoscale level, it spans meters in size. Therefore, holistic understanding of the brain, from intracellular processes to cell-cell interactions across the whole organ, requires scalable integrated technologies that can simultaneously map neuronal computations on both functional and structural levels within intact brain in vivo. In the talk, Kiryl Piatkevich will present development and validation of novel scalable molecular and imaging technologies that enable recording neural activity with ultrahigh temporal resolution and mapping the nanoscale cellular structures on the same subset of neurons within intact brain circuits. Kiryl Piatkevich will also present my recent efforts on applying these technologies to reveal new insight into how the brain works. In the final part of the talk, Kiryl Piatkevich will provide the perspectives on development of the next generation technologies to study the brain.


Biography: Kiryl Piatkevich received an M.S. degree in Chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Then he enrolled a joint PhD program between Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and Lomonosov Moscow State University to work on the development of fluorescent proteins for multicolor intravital two-photon imaging under supervision of Vladislav Verkhusha and Sergei Varfolomeev. After completing of his graduate work, Kiryl Piatkevich joined Synthetic Neurobiology group led by Ed Boyden at MIT. His postdoctoral work was focused on engineering new scalable molecular and imaging technologies for mapping brain computations. Starting 2019, Dr. Piatkevich leads the Molecular BioEngineering Group (www.piatkevich-lab.com) in the School of Life Science at Westlake University, which develops cutting-edge optical technologies for analyzing, controlling, and repairing complex biological systems such as the brain. His group also applies developed technologies systematically to reveal underpinning molecular mechanism of brain disorder as well as understand ground truth principles of neural codes. The long-term goal of the group is development of advanced brain machine interfaces by means of light.