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发布时间:2016-05-24     来源:物理学系     编辑:phydpy     浏览次数:1065

题目:Physical Behaviors of Biopolymers

地点: 教十二-423



DNA is one of the most important polymers in existence due to its role in biology and biochemistry. In this talk, I will mainly present my research of DNA behaviors from the view point of physics, including (1) DNA confined in nanofluidic channels, (2) knots in DNA, (3) coil-globule transition of DNA, and (4) DNA in a crowding environment. Computer simulations and theoretical analysis are applied to elucidate the general physical mechanism behind the behaviors of DNA under these conditions. All of these scenarios play a role in emerging biotechnologies, and close parallels are found in biological systems. Confining DNA in nanofluidic channels has been applied to genome mapping. Knotted DNA molecules present interesting phenomena in the process of sequencing genomes during nanopore translocation. The coil-globule phase transition mirrors protein folding and DNA packaging. Macromolecular crowding is also experienced by DNA in vivo due to the presence of a large amount of proteins. These results of can also be generalized to other biopolymers, including proteins and cell cytoskeletons.



代亮 博士是任职于新加坡与麻省理工学院联合研究中心(SMART)的研究科学家,从事于软物质物理与生物物理研究。他于2004年获得中国科学技术大学物理学士学位,2009年获得新加坡国立大学物理博士学位。2008年至2010年,在美国印第安纳大学从事计算生物与生物信息学的博士后研究。2010年至今在SMART工作。代亮博士主要利用多尺度计算机模拟以及统计力学研究软物质以及生物大分子的结构以及行为。代亮博士在主流学术期刊(PRL, Macromolecules, Soft Matter, Biophysical Journal, Scientific Reports)上发表16篇第一作者论文,其中3篇在物理权威期刊PRL上。代亮博士于2004年获得中科大校级优秀毕业论文奖,以及于2009年获得海外优秀留学生奖。


