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关于10月17日Kaden Hazzard学术报告的通知(seminar)

发布时间:2016-10-10     来源:物理学系     编辑:phydpy     浏览次数:433

题目:Ultracold nonreactive molecules in an optical lattice

报告人:Professor Kaden Hazzard   Rice University

地点: 教十二-423




Experiments with ultracold molecules in optical lattices have ignited enormous scientific interest due in part to their strong, long-ranged interactions.  Previously, it has been presumed that in the absence of chemical reactions a Hubbard model describes the system, as it does for atoms, but with a dipolar interaction added between sites. In contrast to this conventional wisdom, I will describe our finding that the on-site interaction between molecules is modified dramatically from this picture. This is a manifestation of the molecules' chaotic scattering, in contrast to the simple scattering of atoms. One consequence of this new type of interaction is to alter the phase diagram of bosonic molecules. We find that not only is the shape of the phase diagram modified, but that the superfluid displays unique properties that are associated with proximity to exotic phases analogous to spin liquids.



I grew up in Ohio and attended the Ohio State University for my bachelor's degree. I received my PhD from Cornell University, working with Erich Mueller in 2010. I spent 2010-14 as a postdoc at JILA working with Ana Maria Rey and collaborating with lots of other JILAns. In July 2014, I joined Rice University as an Assistant Professor in the department of physics. Our group explores the creation, measurement, and understanding of new, strongly correlated phases of ultracold matter and their analogies to real materials; novel far-from-equilibrium behaviorre; sources for quantum metrology, communication, and computation.

