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关于11月8日Erhai Zhao学术报告的通知(seminar)

发布时间:2016-11-01     来源:物理学系     编辑:phydpy     浏览次数:626

题目:Competing orders in dipolar Fermi gas

报告人:Erhai Zhao

地点: 教十二-423




Experiments on quantum degenerate Fermi gases of magnetic atoms and dipolar molecules begin to probe their broken symmetry phases dominated by the long-range, anisotropic dipole-dipole interaction. Several candidate phases including the p-wave superfluid, the stripe density wave, and a supersolid have been proposed theoretically for two-dimensional spinless dipolar Fermi gases. Yet the phase boundaries predicted by different approximations vary greatly, and a definitive phase diagram is still lacking. In this talk I will introduce a theory that treats all competing many-body instabilities in the particle-particle and particle-hole channel on equal footing. Then I will present the low temperature phase diagram obtained from numerical solution of the functional renormalization-group flow equations. In particular we find a nontrivial density wave phase at small dipolar tilting angles and strong interactions, but no evidence of the supersolid phase. The critical temperatures of the ordered phases are also estimated.




Assistant Professor, George Mason University 2009-present

Postdoc, University of Pittsburgh 2007-2009 Advisor: W. Vincent Liu

Postdoc, University of Toronto 2005-2007 Advisor: Arun Paramekanti


Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2005 Advisor: James A. Sauls

M.S., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 1999, B.S., Fudan University, Shanghai, China, 1996

Research Interests

Theoretical condensed matter physics. Broadly defined, I am interested in novel phases of matter in electronic materials, quantum fluids, and quantum gases. At George Mason University, I have focused on two research programs:

1. The many body physics of ultracold atoms and molecules, in particular dipolar Fermi gases, and topological phases of fermions in optical lattices.

2. Heterostructures of superconductors and topological insulators, and more generally, quantum transport in nano-electronic devices.

