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关于5月10日Lih-King Lim学术报告的通知(seminar)

发布时间:2017-05-05     来源:物理学系     编辑:phydpy     浏览次数:767

题目:Probing Geometric Phases in Cold Atomic Topological Bands

报告人:Lih-King Lim (IAS Tsinghua University)

地点: 教十二-423

时间: 510日,周三,14:30-15:30



Thanks to recent progress in engineering topological band structures with cold atoms, the accessible parameter regime of artificial crystal extends beyond that of its solid-state counterpart. For example, the merging of Dirac cones as well as the 2D topological Haldane model were realized with tunable optical lattices [1].  Cold atomic systems also open the door for probing interesting geometric quantities which are otherwise difficult to observe. Specifically, we study Landau-Zener processes in topological bands with Bloch-oscillations-type experiment. The latter can reveal the full geometric information of the band eigenstates beyond the first Brillouin zone [2]. Furthermore, we study an interferometer formed by two energy bands, the so-called Stuckelberg interferometer. A new geometric phase shift is identified in the interference fringes [3].


[1] L. Tarruell et al, Nature 483, 302 (2012); Jotzu et al, Nature 515, 237 (2014).

[2] L.-K. Lim, J.-N. Fuchs, and G. Montambaux, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 175303 (2012); L.-K. Lim, J.-N. Fuchs, and G. Montambaux, Phys. Rev. A92, 063627 (2015); T. Li et al, Science 352, 1094 (2016); Tarnowski et al, arxiv: 1703.02813.

[3] L.-K. Lim, J.-N. Fuchs, and G. Montambaux, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 155302 (2014).



Dr. Lih-King Lim studied physics at Imperial College and received the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge. He received his Master Degree (2005) and PhD Degree (2010) in Theoretical Physics from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. He worked as postdoc at Utrecht University, Paris-SudUniverity, and Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems at Dresden. He joined the Institute for Advanced Study at Tsinghua University in 2015 as Associate Member. Dr. Lim received the Thousand Talents Plan for Young Professionals in 2016. He is mainly interested in the studies of macroscopic manifestation of topological and geometric effects in quantum materials, as realized in both cold atomic and condensed matter systems.

