题目:Identifying Quantum States by High-pressure NMR in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
报告人:Weiqiang Yu Renmin University
地点: 教十二-201
时间: 6月23日,周五,15:00-16:00
Strong electron correlations produce rich and novel quantum states. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), utilizing the quantum spin and/or quadrupolar moments of the nuclei, is a powerful local probe to detect various quantum states and low-energy spin fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems.
In this talk, I will focus on our recent high-pressure NMR studies on two classes of materials. In some iron-based high-temperature superconductors, we have found evidences for charge ordering [1], resolved an intrinsic magnetic structure [2], and established the existence of high-temperature short-range-ordered nematicity [3]. In a Mott system -RuCl3 which was proposed to have proximate Kitaev spin-liquid behaviors, we have found that its magnetic structure can be suppressed either by magnetic field or by pressure, resulting a gapless spin-liquid-like phase [4] and a valence-bond-solid-like phase [5] respectively. The existence of these novel quantum states reveals the interplays among spin, charge, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom.
[1] P. S. Wang et al., PRB 93, 085129 (2016);
[2] P. S. Wang et al., PRL 117, 237001 (2016);
[3] P. S. Wang et al., arXiv:1705.06395 (2017);
[4] J. Zheng et al., arXiv: 1703.08474 (2017);
[5] Y. Cui et al., arXiv: arXiv:1706.02697 (2017).