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关于3月23日(周五)G S Agarwal学术报告的通知(Physics Department colloquium)

发布时间:2018-03-19     来源:物理学系     编辑:phydpy     浏览次数:460

题目:Interference of Waves to Interference of Quantum Paths

报告人:G S Agarwal   Texas A& M University

地点: 教十二-201

时间: 323日,周五,14:00-15:00



I will review several land mark effects in quantum optics and how these changed the growth of the field. Although each discovered in a different context, the underlying physics can be understood from a common theme –interference of quantum paths leading to observed signals. I would describe the new physics and a number of applications arising from the interference of independent photons especially in the preparation of entangled states. The interference of quantum paths provides a new understanding of the correlated spontaneous emission and superradiance and more generally the results of measurements on entangled states of a quantum system.



Girish Agarwal specializes in quantum optics and is the author of “ Quantum Optics”  published by the Cambridge University Press. He is the author of more than 650 papers in Scientific journals. His work has been recognized by a large number of awards, including the Max-Born Prize from the Optical Society of America in 1988, the physics prize of the World Academy of Sciences,the Humboldt Research Award (1997) of Germany and Honorary doctorates from the University of Liege, Belgium and the University of Hyderabad.He held the Indian National Science Academy’s Albert Einstein Research Professorship.  He was elected fellow of several societies-The Royal Society (UK), The World Academy of Sciences , American Physical Society; Optical Society of America, Indian National Science academy,. He was Director of the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India and has served on the editorial boards of several journals in Optics and Physics.He received The Eminent Faculty Award of the Oklahoma State University where he was Noble Foundation Chair and regents professor.

