题目:Topological Acoustics
报告人:Baile Zhang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
地点: 教十二-201
时间: 3月8日,周五,15:00-17:00
Soundwaves travelling through air are essentially longitudinal waves that carryneither spin nor charge, and thus do not respond to magnetic fields. However,by constructing gauge fields with different approaches, it is possible toexplore magnetic-like effects for sound, such as the quantum Hall effect, andconstruct various acoustic topological phases. In this talk, I will brieflyintroduce the field of topological acoustics and some of our recent works.
Dr.Baile ZHANG is an Associate Professor in the Division of Physics and AppliedPhysics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, at Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore. He received his Ph.D. in 2009 from MIT, following hisB.S. degree in 2003 and M. S. degree in 2006 from Tsinghua University inBeijing, all majored in Electrical Engineering. His current research interestsinclude electromagnetic and acoustic wave theory, metamaterials, andphotonic/phononic crystals. He is a recipient of MIT Technology Review TR35Global Young Innovators Award of 2012. In 2014, he was awarded the YoungScientist Award of Singapore National Academy of Science in Istana. In 2016, hereceived IPS World Scientific (Physics Research) Medal and Prize.