Title: High-energy Physics with Gravitational Waves
Speaker: Danny Marfatia
Time: 15:30, April 16
Location: Room 215, No. 8 Hainayuan Building
The discovery of gravitational waves has opened new eyes on the Universe. I will describe how gravitational waves may revolutionize our understanding of physics at the highest energies.
Prof. Danny Marfatia is a professor of physics at University of Hawaii. He got his Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2001. After a postdoc at University at Boston working with Sheldon Glashaw, he became a juninor faculty at Universtiy of Kansas from 2004 and got promoted in 2008. He moved to University of Hawaii in 2013 and became a full profesor in 2015. Prof. Marfatia has been working on particle phenomenology in physics beyond the standard model, in particular in neutrino, dark matter etc. He has published over 150 papers with total citation over 10,000.