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关于6月14日(周五)陆凌学术报告的通知(School of Physics Colloquium)

发布时间:2024-06-12     来源:物理学系综合网     编辑:     浏览次数:265

题目:Topological-cavity surface-emitting laser






Contrary to the common belief that Nobel-winning topological physics lacks practical applications, we demonstrate that the textbook design of everyday semiconductor lasers, used in internet communications and cellphones, aligns with standard topological models in 1D. By advancing to the 2D vortex zero mode, we invent topological-cavity surface-emitting lasers (TCSELs) that significantly outperform their commercial counterparts. Furthermore, we demonstrate the monopole modes in 3D, as proposed half a century ago by Jackiw and Rebbi, thus completing the kink-vortex-monopole trilogy of topological defect modes.

Nature Nanotechnology 15, 1012 (2020)

Nature Photonics 16, 279 (2022)

arXiv: 2210.09056 


Ling Lu is a group leader in the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China. He obtained his bachelor in Physics from Fudan University, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California where he worked on photonic crystal nanocavity lasers. He was a postdoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he and colleagues coined “topological photonics” and discovered “Weyl points”. He was awarded the Chen Ning Yang Award by the Asian Pacific Societies, Pei Yuan Zhou Award by the Chinese Physics Society, and the Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Web of Science.