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7-5 Biao Wu: Quantum Ergodicity and Mixing

题目: Quantum Ergodicity and Mixing

报告人: 吴飙 北京大学 物理学院量子材料科学中心

地点: 教十二-201

时间: 75日,周四,15:00-16:00



Ergodicity and mixing were originally introduced, respectively, by Boltzmann and Gibbs in the context of statistical mechanics. Ergodic theory of classical dynamics is now a fully developed branch of mathematics. We intend to extend these two concepts to quantum dynamics by introducing new definitions for quantum ergodicity and mixing, which are inspired by von Neumann’s work in 1929.  Accordingly, we introduce two parameters to quantitatively characterize ergodic and mixing in quantum systems. We show both in general and with examples, such as quantum kicked rotor, that these definitions are consistent with our intuitive understanding of ergodicity and mixing and with classical ergodicity and mixing at the semi-classical limit.


1Zhang, Quan and Wu PRE 94, 022150 (2016);

2Jiang, Chen and Wu, arXiv:1712.04533(2017)

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