Editor: 周婷 Time: 2021-06-23 Number of visits: 42
Title: Diamond quantum sensing and applications
Speaker: Liu Renbao,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Place: Dingtalk
Time: Jun. 25, Friday, 15:30-17:30
Quantum sensing is an emerging quantum technology that exploits quantum coherence of single quantum objects to enhance detection of weak signals and to enable measurements that are not even in principle using conventional spectroscopic approaches. Nitrogen-vacancy center spins in diamond are good quantum sensors for they have long coherence time under ambient conditions. The chemical stability and bio-comparability of diamond materials make diamond quantum sensors particularly useful for applications in biological studies. In this talk, we will discuss the basic principles of quantum sensing, the quantum properties of nitrogen-vacancy center spins, and potential applications of diamond quantum sensing in the study of condensed matter physics in nanometer-sized materials (especially nano-magnetism), thermal dynamics in nano-systems, and mechanical and fluidic properties of nano-materials and live cells.
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Email: yongyi@zju.edu.cn